Horse Show & Equine Special Event Insurance
AmRisk’s Horse Show Insurance and Equine Event Insurance policy extends coverage to the show organizers, Premises owners, show officials, committee members, judges and volunteers who all may be included as additional insured’s. Coverage is written on an occurrence basis through an admitted, A rated insurance company.
AmRisk has served horse owners and event promoters for over 40 years. Our knowledgeable underwriters and claims staff possess the experience and training to handle all facets of your equine insurance.
This policy has been designed to protect your event anywhere in the United States, it’s territories or Canada. The general liability policy will pay the damages imposed upon you or your business by the law. It also pays the cost of defending you when a claim is made against your policy. The policy will also add the venue, sponsors, volunteers and co-producers as additional insureds.
Equine Special Event Types:
- Concerts
- Barrel Racing
- Charreada
- Clinics & Seminars
- Cutting & Reining
- Drill Team Performance
- Driving Events & Competitions
- Eventing
- Gymkhanas
- Horse Expo
- Horse Shows
Equine Special Event Types:
- Jousting
- Mounted Shooting
- Parades
- Point To Point
- Polo Matches
- Roping Events
- Rodeo Events
- Steeplechase Events
- Steer Wrestling
- Team Penning & Sorting
- Vaulting
Additional Coverage Available:
- Equipment
- Excess / Umbrella Liability
- Livestock Coverage
- Liquor Liability
- Non-Appearance Coverage
- Petting Zoo
- Pony Rides
- Stock Contractor Liability
- Weather / Event Cancellation
Approved For Use By
- American Competitive Trail Horse Assn
- American Cowboy Team Roping Assn
- American Equestrian Alliance
- American Endurance Ride Conference
- American Farrier’s Association
- American Horse Council
- American Miniature Horse Assn
- American Paint Horse Assn
- American Polo Crosse Assn
- American Professional Rodeo Assn
- American Quarter Horse Association
- Arabian Horse Association
- American West Barrel Racing Assn
- Equine Distance riding Association
- Extreme Cowboy Association
- International Barrel Racing Assn
- International Professional Rodeo Assn
- North American Trail Ride Conference
- National Barrel Racing Association
- National Cutting Horse Assn
- National Professional Rodeo Assn
- National Reining Horse Association
- National Steeplechase Association
- National Senior Pro Rodeo Assn
- Pacific Coast Horse Show Assn
- Professional Rodeo Cowboy’s Assn
- The American Society
- United States Dressage Federation
- United States Equestrian Federation
- United States Eventing Association
- United States Hunter Jumper Assn
- United States Polo Association
- Women’s Professional Rodeo Assn
- World Polo Association
Things You Should Know
Why do I need Horse Show & Equine Liability Insurance?
If you organize equine events, you know how much planning and effort is involved to make the occasion both safe and successful for everyone involved. Even with the most careful planning, unexpected situations can arise that you might not be prepared for. Without adequate liability protection you will have to pay damages and defense costs yourself. If the damages and costs are high enough you may suffer financial hardship or bankruptcy.
Homeowner and standard farm owner insurance policies completely exclude your equine business pursuits.
What does the Horse Show & Equine Liability Insurance Policy Cover?
This policy was specifically designed to protect your event anywhere in the United States, it’s territories or Canada. The general liability policy will pay the damages imposed upon you or your business by the law. It also pays the cost of defending you when a claim is made against your policy. Coverage is written on a full occurrence basis by an Admitted, A rated US insurance company and is tailored to fit your specific event needs. The policy will also add the venue, sponsors, volunteers and co-producers as additional insureds.
Certificate of Insurance VS Additional Insured Endorsement:
When producing a special event you will often be asked to provide a certificate of insurance to verify the existence of insurance coverage under specific conditions. More specifically, the document lists the effective date of the policy, the type of insurance coverage purchased, and the types and dollar amount of applicable liability.
Frequently, another party such as the venue or a sponsor will ask to be named as an additional insured on your policy.The additional insured then enjoys the benefits of being insured under your policy your for negligent acts and omissions but not for his own negligence.
What is Third Party Property Damage Liability? (Care, Custody, Control Liability)
All Commercial General Liability policies contain an exclusion for property damage to property in the insured’s care custody and control. The policy states “This insurance does not apply to: (h) property damage to (3) property in the care, custody or control of the insured or property as to which the insured is for any purpose exercising physical control”.
There is an extension of liability coverage to protect your exposure to liability for horses under your care, custody & control.
Liquor Liability or Dram Shop Coverage provides coverage and defense for an event holder who charges for alcohol and is sued for bodily injury or property damage caused by intoxicated event guests. If there is any money changing hands and alcohol is served, Liquor Liability coverage provides the proper protection. It also provides coverage if the event holder violates any statute, ordinance or regulation relating to the sale, gift, distribution or use of alcoholic beverages. Liquor Liability Insurance is an optional coverage available when purchasing an AmRisk Event Liability Insurance.
What is a Waiver of Subrogation?
Very often, a contract or lease agreement will require one or both parties to waive their rights of subrogation. Subrogation means one party has the right to “step into the shoes” of another party for the purposes of bringing a claim for damages. Suppose you experience a financial loss due to the negligence of a third party. Normally you could sue the responsible party for full restitution but if your insurance company pays the claim your insurer is then subrogated to your claim against the negligent party. In essence, your insurance company has been given your rights of recovery after paying your claim. Before you sign a contract containing a waiver of subrogation, check with your insurance agent to be sure you are not violating any of the terms of your insurance policy.