Horse Mortality & Major Medical Insurance
Whether you are looking to protect your financial investment or making sure your horse receives the best possible care iin the event they becomes ill or injured. Horse Mortality Insurance & Major Medical Insurance is one of the most cost effective ways to achieve both.
It’s also important that your Horse Mortality Insurance & Major Medical Insurance policy is provided by an A rated company with a national presence, strong financial background and established equine expertise.
AmRisk Equine has gathered the most comprehensive and Horse Mortality Insurance – Major Medical Insurance product portfolios available for horse owners.
AmRisk Equine has served horse owners for over 40 years. Our knowledgeable agents, underwriters and claims staff possess the experience and training to handle all facets of your equine insurance.
Equine Mortality
Equine mortality insurance helps cover your horse against loss from accident, illness, disease, injury, theft, humane destruction, and transportation anywhere in the continental U.S.A. or Canada (optional worldwide territories are available.)
The premium rate is based on the horse’s use, breed, and age. With certain equine insurance carriers, a Full Equine Mortality Policy includes, at no extra charge:
- Automatic Colic Surgery Coverage
- Agreed Value Coverage
- Guaranteed Extension Coverage
Full Mortality Coverage for your horse may be bound upon receipt of a completed and signed application. Additional forms may be required based on horse’s age and value.
Guaranteed Coverage Extension
The Full Horse Mortality Insurance & Major Medical Insurance policy also includes Guaranteed Extension coverage. This coverage provides that in the event of a condition occurring and reported during the policy period, horse mortality insurance coverage will automatically continue for up to 12 months from the expiration date for that specific condition.
Medical & Veterinary Services Coverage
Major Medical, Colic, & Surgical
Coverage is provided for the cost of equine medical, colic, and surgical procedures performed by a veterinarian, including diagnosis as a result of accident, illness, or disease. It covers a portion of diagnostic testing, medical treatment, surgical services, as well as after care treatment. Deductibles are reasonable and benefits are generous.
Loss of Use
Applies to horses valued at $25,000 or more. If your performance horse (12 years and under) becomes totally and permanently incapable of fulfilling the functions for which it is used, as stated on your policy, but its condition does not necessitate destruction for humane reasons, you may suffer a financial loss. Full mortality and major medical are required for this coverage. If your horse sustains an accident, sickness, or injury, and it is a covered loss of use claim, the carrier will pay out a percentage of the insured value.
Air Transport/Overseas Territory Extension
Full Equine Mortality coverage may be extended to include international transportation to and from other approved countries. Please contact your agent for eligibility requirements and pricing. Prior notification of transit must be given before coverage will be extended
Full Mortality Coverage for your horse may be bound upon receipt of a completed and signed application. Additional forms may be required based on horse’s age and value.
We offer specialized insurance solutions
AmRisk Equine specializes in personalized plans that encompass a full range of extensive equine, farm, and ranch insurance coverage options.
While owning a horse has one set of risks, equestrian facilities represent risks that require specific liability coverages:
- General Liability
- Equine Liability
- Single Day Events
- Care Custody & Control
- Workers Compensation…and more!