Whether it is a local fair or a major festival, the success of any event can be threatened by a host of unforeseen circumstances.
AmRisk Entertainment Specialty Event Cancellation and Non-Appearance coverage is there for you if you need to cancel, abandon, postpone, interrupt, or relocate your event for reasons that are beyond your control, you will be protected.
Event Cancellation
Event Cancellation Insurance protects your event related revenue or expenses against cancellation due to circumstances beyond your control. Coverage must be quoted and bound fourteen days prior to the event date! AmRisk Entertainment can provide event cancellation insurance for events in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Non-Appearance Insurance
Non-appearance of a key performer or presenter for your production company can be financially devastating to your organization. If you have a principal artist as part of a concert or if your theater is producing a one person show, without that particular artist, you have no production! Our comprehensive non-appearance insurance policy offers coverage beyond the industry standard. We have enhanced this program specifically for your entertainment business.
Our Underwriting Process
Using our Entertainment and Recreation Risk Management system we work with you to develop an insurance and risk management program that fit your needs – and your budget. Our greatest strength lies in the quality and experience of our people and our ability to respond quickly to your needs.

Featured Insurance Coverage
See our specialty products and successes
What Event Cancellation Insurance Covers:
Event Cancellation Insurance protects costs and expenses or revenues associated with an event, such as travel expenses, venue costs, ticket sales, advertising, sponsorship revenues and more. It often complements other forms of event insurance such as event liability. Coverage is available for the following perils:
- Inclement weather
- Natural catastrophe such as earthquake, flood, fire
- Extra expenses
- Power failure
- TV transmission failure*
- Public transport failure or denial of access
- Failure to vacate the event venue
- Strike risks
- Terrorism or threat of terrorism
- The inability of any person(s) to appear at your event e.g. speakers, teams or performers non-appearance
What Event Cancellation Insurance Does Not Cover
There are certain exclusions for event insurance coverage. The principal exclusions include:
- Financial failure, insolvency or default; support or withdrawal of support by any party
- Lack of sales, response or attendance
- Variations in exchange rates or currency stability
- Radioactive contamination
- Use of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials**
- War and civil commotion**
- National mourning**
- Communicable diseases**
** For these exclusions an extension may be available for purchase. We welcome any other requests you do have. Please feel free to contact us to discuss additional coverage.
Summary of Coverage
- Based on the gross revenue or expenses for the event
- Optional coverage’s may include acts or threats of terrorism, communicable diseases and nuclear / biological / chemical terrorism.
The perils than can be insured against are those outside of the control of the event planner. Examples of perils that may be covered include the following:- Weather and environment related perils such as rain, snow, wind, and earthquakes.
Specific weather conditions such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, lightning, or any other life-threatening weather condition. These weather conditions must prevent the majority of the audience from reaching the venue where your event is taking place. - Outbreak of disease
- War, terrorism, sabotage, and civil or political unrest
- Property damage or loss of availability of venue
- Non-appearance of key speakers, performers, or personnel due to death, injury, or illness.
- Satellite and signal transmission failure
- Unavoidable Travel Delays
- Weather and environment related perils such as rain, snow, wind, and earthquakes.
Non-Appearance Insurance
Considering protecting your losses in the event that your event cannot proceed due to the non-appearance of a specific individual or group? Non-appearance insurance protects those with a financial interest in the appearance of any key person or persons such as entertainers, dignitaries, performers, artists and public speakers at many types of events and within any industry including commercial, sports and entertainment. This can include event organizers, promoters, managers, venues and ticket agencies.
Non-appearance of a key performer for a production company or a presenter can be financially devastating to the organization. If you have a principal artist as part of a concert or if your theater is producing a one person show, without that particular artist, you have no production.
Summary of coverage
Non-appearance insurance will indemnify an insured for their revenue or expenses should an event be cancelled, abandoned, interrupted, postponed or relocated due to the death, accident, illness or travel delay of an individual, or group of individuals, key to the event’s success. Available for artists, musicians, event organizers, promoters, sponsors or anyone with a financial interest in the successful running of the event.
A Leader In The Entertainment Insurance Industry
AmRisk Entertainment has developed a reputation for creating innovative and cost effective risk management programs for specific business niches such as entertainment, recreation, equestrian and agribusiness. We deliver value by working in partnership with clients, companies and producer associates. This team approach reinforces our commitment to focus on quality, innovation and profitability.

Contact Us
Contact us today for a no obligation insurance review and quotation.
PO Box 6230
Scottsdale, AZ 85261
+1 602.702.7600